Sforplast Indústria e Comércio Ltda (SFORPLAST) cares about your privacy and the protection of your personal data. This document explains how and for what purposes we use your personal data, what your rights are and how you can exercise them.


This Notice is aimed at people outside SFORPLAST who, in some way, have a relationship with the company.

In order for you to better understand the information we provide here, we would like to present the definition of some terms that you may find in this Notice:

  • Personal data: It is information related to a natural person and that is capable of identifying the person or making their identification possible. Examples of personal data that may allow your identification include: Name, CPF, telephone number, e-mail, etc.
  • Treatment: It is any form of use we may make of your personal data, including, but not limited to, the following activities: collection, storage, consultation, use, sharing, transmission, classification, reproduction, deletion and evaluation.
  • Controller: Natural or legal person, under public or private law, responsible for decisions regarding the processing of personal data. The SFORPLAST acts as Data Controller in all processing operations mentioned in this Notice.
  • Data controller (DPO): Employee or service provider responsible for supervising the application and reviewing this Policy as well as suggesting changes, correctly using personal data to perform their functions, monitoring the occurrence of information security incidents and proposing a budget for it.
  • Holder: You are the natural person to whom the personal data refers.

The personal data that will be processed will depend on how you relate to SFORPLAST and the purpose of the processing. We only collect the data that is truly necessary to achieve our objectives and we use it only for the purposes for which it was collected.

That said, we can classify the personal data processed by SFORPLAST as follows:

Identification data: Name; CPF; ID; CNH; address; signature, and others;

Contact details:
E-mail; telephone; and others;

Personal characteristics data:Age; sex; date of birth, and others;

Profession/employment data:
CTPS; job and function description; remuneration; date of admission; date of termination; performance evaluations; and others;

Video and image log/recording data:
Surveillance camera footage; photos, videos, and others;

Public and/or published data:
Data shared with the Federal Government; data accessed on public websites or systems.

Biometric data:
Fingerprint reading and/or facial recognition.

Considering the categories of personal data used, below are the main personal data processing carried out by SFORPLAST (if you have any questions or want to know more, please contact our manager):

Recruitment and selection: to select new employees
Identification data, contact details, profession/employment data

Talent pool: CV bank of unsuccessful candidates
Identification data, personal characteristics, profession/employment

Payments to material suppliers: to make payments for purchases made
Identification data

Video monitoring and surveillance (CCTV): property and workplace security
Video and image log/recording data

Serasa Consultation: credit score analysis of client companies
Identification data

Accounts receivable: management of payments received by the company
Identification data

Hiring sales representatives: for hiring sales representatives
Identification and contact data

Collection and protest of credits: Credit recovery
Identification data and public and/or published data

Sales: for sales quotations made directly by the company
Identification and contact data

Amazon Sales: to make sales through the Amazon platform
Identification data

Communication on social networks: for the purpose of contacting potential customers and representatives
Identification and contact details; video or image recording records

Events: customer data capture at events
Identification and contact data

Delivery of goods: Transportation and delivery of goods to customers
Identification and contact data

Quotes and purchases: for budgeting and purchasing materials
Identification and contact data

Outsourced equipment maintenance: for equipment maintenance with third-party service providers
Identification and contact data

Receiving and sending goods: for receiving inputs and sending goods
Identification data

External services: for hiring service providers for the production of parts and raw materials
Identification and contact data

Risk management: truck drivers risk assessment for cargo insurance release
Identification data and public and/or published data.

Company access control: to control the people who access the company
Identification data; biometric data

Messages: the content of messages you send to us when contacting us.
Identification and contact data

Cookies are small text files that are stored in your browser or device when you access most websites on the internet. Cookies may be used on our website because we use Google features, such as YouTube integration. Therefore, some cookies from these tools may be activated (these are called “third-party cookies”, which are those created by external services that our website uses). If you would like to know more details about the cookies configured, please contact our manager.
In any case, you can decide at any time, through your browser, to block the use of cookies on your system. In this case, refusal may result in the inability to access some features of the website.
If you wish to disable cookies, follow the instructions provided by your browser. If you use any of the browsers below, simply click on the corresponding link for more information:

If you use the Firefox;
If you use the Internet Explorer;
If you use the Google Chrome;
If you use the Safari


In carrying out our activities, we may share and/or make shared use of your data with some partner organizations. In addition, in certain situations, we also have the duty to transmit some information to public authorities (notifications, inspections, etc.), in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Some of our partners have servers located in other countries, which means that international transfers of your personal data may occur.
Below are some situations in which we may share and/or use your personal data in a shared manner:

We use third-party tools for administrative use in day-to-day work activities, such as text editors, spreadsheets and email.
Is there an international transfer of data? If so, to which country?
Yes. USA

We may use third-party messaging tools to communicate with people outside of Sforplast who have a relationship with the company.
Is there an international transfer of data? If so, to which country?
Yes. USA

To carry out accounting services, we share your data with a partner accounting company.
Is there an international transfer of data? If so, to which country?

We have a supplier to manage our CCTV and to control the people who access the company.
Is there an international transfer of data? If so, to which country?

We use a third-party system to consult data about the company’s contracted drivers, for the purpose of risk management.
Is there an international transfer of data? If so, to which country?
Yes, USA.

We may share data when we make sales of products on marketplaces.
Is there an international transfer of data? If so, to which country?
Yes, USA.

We work with partner companies to support our technological infrastructure.
Is there an international transfer of data? If so, to which country?

In compliance with the provisions of personal data protection regulations in Brazil, SFORPLAST guarantees everyone the possibility of submitting requests based on the rights listed below::

  • Confirmation of the existence of treatment;
  • Access to data;
  • Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
  • Anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive data or data processed in non-compliance with the provisions of this Law;
  • Portability of data to another service or product provider;
  • Deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the holder;
  • Information about public and private entities with which we share your data;
  • Information about the possibility of not providing consent and the consequences of refusal;
  • Revocation of consent;
  • Opposition to treatment carried out based on one of the hypotheses for exemption from consent, in the event of non-compliance with the provisions of this Law.

These rights may be exercised directly by you, or by someone representing you upon presentation of a power of attorney. To request one of the rights listed above, simply send an email to our Data Protection Officer, Deivid Campos, at the following email address: <>. To prevent fraud, we may request confirmation of identity.

Your personal data will only be stored for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, unless there is another reason for its retention, such as to comply with any legal, regulatory and contractual obligations. In addition, to define the ideal retention period, we carry out a technical assessment, taking into account the legal aspects and your rights.

For example, images recorded by monitoring and surveillance systems (CCTV) are stored for 10 to 20 days. Contractual information will be stored in our database while our contract is active, and, after the termination of the contractual relationship, may be retained for the prescriptive period of 10 years.

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please contact our manager.

SFORPLAST uses appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized or illegal processing, as well as to prevent accidental loss, destruction or damage to information.

Personal data is stored securely on protected equipment, has technical protection and redundancy, and is accessible only to a limited number of employees. Only individuals with legitimate grounds will have access to your personal data.

If you believe that your personal data has been processed in a manner incompatible with this Notice or have questions about the way we process your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer by email at <>.

In order to improve our services and the way we operate, this Privacy Notice may be updated to reflect the improvements made. Therefore, we recommend that you visit this page periodically so that you are aware of any changes made.

DATE OF LAST UPDATE: June 14, 2024.

Version 01
June 14, 2024